Assessment Levels
Courses taken will receive a letter grade and equivalent grade point as follows:
Grade | Meaning | Meaning (Thai Language) | Score | |||
A | Excellent | ผลการประเมินขั้นดีเลิศ | 4.0 | |||
B+ | Very good | ผลการประเมินขั้นดีมาก | 3.5 | |||
B | Good | ผลการประเมินขั้นดี | 3.0 | |||
C+ | Fairly good | ผลการประเมินขั้น | 2.5 | |||
C | Fair | ผลการประเมินขั้นพอใช้ | 2.0 | |||
D+ | Poor | ผลการประเมินขั้นค่อนข้างอ่อน | 1.5 | |||
D | Very poor | ผลการประเมินขั้นอ่อน | 0.5 | |||
F | Fail | ผลการประเมินขั้นตก | 0.0 | |||
I | Incomplete | การวัดผลไม่สมบูรณ์ | – | |||
M | Missing | นิสิตขาดสอบ | – | |||
P | In progress | การสอนยังไม่สิ้นสุด | – | |||
S | Satisfactory | ผลการประเมินเป็นที่พอใจ | – | |||
U | Unsatisfactory | ผลการประเมินไม่เป็นที่พอใจ | – | |||
V | Visitor | ร่วมฟังการบรรยาย | – | |||
W | Withdrawn | การถอนรายวิชาโดยได้รับอนุมัติ | – | |||
X | No report | ยังไม่ได้รับผลการประเมิน | – |
Criteria for Assignment of Letter Grades
Course assessment takes place at the end of each academic term.
Letter grades of A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, S, and F or U may be given only in the following circumstances:
(1) A student is assessed in a course by an examination or other requirement.
(2) When an assessment takes place within the first two weeks of the subsequent term, in the case of a course in which the instructor does not permit the student to take the examination and a student is found cheating in an examination or violating of examination rules, regulations, or orders issued by the University, Faculty, Department, or Program, and the Faculty Administrative Board deems that the violation is serious enough to warrant the grade of F, I (Incomplete) may be changed afterward to another grade not higher than C or as the actual assessment outcome.
(3) When there is a change from an M (Missing), P (In progress), or X (No report).
Other than those cases stipulated above, a grade of F (Fail) or U (Unsatisfactory) may be given in the following circumstances:
(1) A course in which the instructor does not permit the student to take the examination;
(2) A student is found cheating in an examination or violating of examination rules, regulations, or orders issued by the University, Faculty, Department, or Program, and the Faculty Administrative Board deems that the violation is serious enough to warrant the grade of F (Fail);
(3) When an assessment has not taken place within the first two weeks of the subsequent term in which a student registers, resulting in the change from I (Incomplete) to F (Fail);
(4) When a student is unable to produce sufficient evidence to justify his/her absence from an examination within the first two weeks of the subsequent academic term, resulting in the change from M (Missing) to F (Fail).
A letter grade of I (Incomplete) may be given only in the following cases:
(1) A student becomes ill before the end of the term and remains ill up until the examination period and is thus unable to take the examination in some or all courses, and upon receiving a petition and consulting with the course instructors, the Dean determines that the student’ s absence from the examination represents only a small portion of the course requirements.
(2) A student has attended classes up through the end of the term and then becomes ill during the examination period and is thus unable to take some or all of his/ her examinations, and the Dean of the Faculty approves the student’s petition to receive the letter I (Incomplete).
(3) A student misses an examination due to extreme circumstances as defined by the University Announcement on Approval in the Event of Extreme Circumstances for Undergraduates and the Board of the Faculty to which the student is affiliated agrees to issue an I (Incomplete).
(4) A student is unable to complete work that is a partial requirement of the course, and the instructor, with the approval of the Head of Department (if any), approves a postponement of the final assessment while notifying the Office of the Registrar of such when submitting assessments of other students enrolled in the course.
When an I (Incomplete) is changed as in ( 1) and ( 2) above, the student may be given a grade not higher than a C, or he/ she may be given the actual grade he/she has earned based on guidelines contained in the Chulalongkorn University announcement on assigning grades to students at the undergraduate level who miss an examination due to illness.
An M (Missing) may be given only when a student has missed the final examination but has not yet provided adequate evidence explaining his/her absence.
An assessment of P (In Progress) may be issued at the end of the first academic term for which a student is registered for coursework or other requirements for not more than two consecutive academic terms.
An assessment of S (Satisfactory), indicating that a student’s results have been satisfactory, may be issued only in the following circumstances:
(1) In subjects designated by the program as non-letter or non-credit courses.
(2) Students have opted to enroll in the course on an S/U basis instead of following the grading system stipulated in their program.
An assessment of U (Unsatisfactory) may be issued when a student’s results are determined to be unsatisfactory.
An assessment of V (Visitor) may be issued only in certain courses for which a student has registered as a visitor and the instructor determines that the student has shown sufficient interest.
Other than those cases stipulated in the event that any student commits an offense or participates in an offense in the semester examination or any student commits an offense or participates in other offenses related to education, an assessment of W (Withdrawn) may be given in a course for which a student has registered at the end of the sixth week of the term or at the end of the second week of the summer session under these circumstances:
(1) The student has the approval to withdraw from the course.
(2) The student becomes ill before the end of the academic term and remains ill through the examination period, preventing him/her from attending examinations in some or all of his/her courses.
(3) The student has officially requested a leave of absence.
(4) The student is suspended during the academic term for reasons other than a violation of the rules, regulations, announcements, or orders pertaining to examinations set down by the Program, Department, Faculty, and University.
(5) The Dean approves a change of I (Incomplete) if it appears that the student’s illness or unexpected circumstances have not ended.
(6) In a subject for which the student has registered as a visitor (V), the instructor feels that the student has not paid sufficient attention.
(7) In a subject for which a student has registered in violation of Program regulations, conditions, or requirements.
An assessment of W (Withdrawn) in the module or other system shall be determined by the Office of the Registrar.
Remark: An X (No Report) may be given only when the Office of Registrar has not received an assessment in a course as required.
Grade Point Average Computation
Each student’s grade point average (GPA) is to be calculated at the end of each academic term.
There are two types of grade point average (GPA), which are calculated as follows:
(1) To calculate the semester grade point average, the number of credits assigned to each course is multiplied by the point value for the letter grade earned in that course. Then the grade points of all courses for the semester are totaled and divided by the number of credit hours attempted.
(2) To calculate the cumulated grade point average (GPAX), the credit hours and grade points from all semesters in which the student is registered are totaled. Then the total grade points are divided by the total cumulative credit attempted (CAX).
Student Status Categorization
Student status consists of two types: regular status and probation status.
(1) Regular status students are as follows;
A. Students who enrolled in the first semester.
B. Students who have a grade point average (GPA) not less than 2.00.
(2) Probation status students are defined as those who have a grade point average (GPA) between 1.50 and 1.99.
Student status categorization shall be determined at the end of each evaluated academic semester or the end of the summer session for students who complete the program requirements and are eligible for graduation, except for students who study in the first semester, who shall be categorized at the end of the second semester.
Probation Type 1: Students with a cumulative GPA (GPAX) of 1.50 or higher but less than 1.80
Probation Type 2: Students with a cumulative GPA (GPAX) of 1.80 or higher but less than 2.00
The grades obtained in the courses taken during the summer session will be added and calculated with the grades obtained in the subsequent semester, and the grades will be computed in accordance with the semester in which those courses were taken.
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
First Semester______ | Second Semester______ | First Semester______ | Second Semester______ | First Semester______ | Second Semester______ |
GPAX 0.00–4.00 Regular status | GPAX 0.00–1.49 Terminated status |
GPAX 0.00–4.00 Regular status | GPAX 1.50–1.99 1st Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 2nd Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 Terminated status |
GPAX 0.00–4.00 Regular status | GPAX 1.50–1.99 1st Probation | GPAX 1.80–1.99 2nd Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 3rd Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 Terminated status |
GPAX 0.00–4.00 Regular status | GPAX 1.50–1.99 1st Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 2st Probation | GPAX 1.80–1.99 3nd Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 4st Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 Terminated status |
GPAX 0.00–4.00 Regular status | GPAX 1.50–1.99 1st Probation | GPAX 1.80–1.99 2nd Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 3rd Probation | GPAX 1.80–1.99 4st Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.99 Terminated status |
GPAX 0.00–4.00 Regular status | GPAX 1.50–1.99 1st Probation | GPAX 1.80–1.99 2nd Probation | GPAX 1.80–1.99 3rd Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.79 4st Probation | GPAX 1.50–1.99 Terminated status |