Initial Registration for New Students

Admitted applicants must complete initial registration by submitting all required documents to the Office of the Registrar, registering for courses, and paying tuition and special fees.

Course Registration

Course registration in the semester system or trimester system consists of two types:

  1. Regular registration, which is done prior to the beginning of each semester.
  2. Late registration, which is done within the first two weeks of the academic term or within the first week of the summer session.

The registration schedule, place, and procedures shall be determined by the Office of the Registrar.

Number of Credit
Students registering for an academic term must register for not more than 22 credits in the semester system and not more than 9 credits for the summer session.

‘S/U’ Registration
Students desiring to enroll in courses under the ‘S/U’ grading system rather than those prescribed in their program of study should do so within the initial two weeks of an academic term or the initial week of a summer session. They must submit a request to the Office of the Registrar and obtain approval from both their Academic Advisor and Course Coordinator.

Registration as a Visitor
Students have the option to register for a course as a visitor (V) to expand their knowledge beyond their established study plan. This should be completed during the initial two weeks of an academic term or within the initial week of a summer session. To do so, students need to submit a request to the Office of the Registrar, with the approval of both their Academic Advisor and the Course Coordinator being mandatory.

Course registration Approval
Course registration must be approved by the Academic Advisor following as determined by the Program.

Course Exemptions

Students may request exemptions from specific courses within their program if they have previously completed those courses or have equivalent content from Chulalongkorn University, provided that they received a grade of ‘S’ or a grade not lower than ‘C’ or an equivalent rating. Exempted courses should have been completed within a maximum period of 5 years, beginning from the term following the one in which the student received a grade for the course.

Requests for course exemptions must be submitted during the student’s initial academic term, and approval is required from both the Program Committee and the Faculty Administrative Board. Further regulations regarding course exemptions will be determined by the Program Committee.

If exemptions are granted, and the student subsequently passes other regular subjects, excluding the exempted ones, they will be considered to have fulfilled the subject requirements for their program.

Grades from course exemptions will not be factored into the grade point average, and the duration of study will be assessed based on the number of credits exempted, relative to the total program credits. These exemptions will be counted as part of the overall study period.

Students who receive course exemptions will not be eligible for medal awards.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses

Adding Courses
Adding courses in the semester system must be done within the first two weeks of an academic term or within the first week of a summer session.

Dropping courses
Dropping courses in the semester system must be done within the first six weeks of an academic term or within the first two weeks of a summer session. Dropped courses do not appear on a transcript.

Withdrawing courses
Withdrawing courses in the semester system can be done after the first six weeks but not later than twelve weeks of an academic term or after the first two weeks but not later than the first four weeks of a summer session. Withdrawn courses remain on the student’s academic record and will appear W on the student’s academic transcript.

In case a student withdraws after the first twelve weeks of an academic term or after the first four weeks of a summer session, a fine will be imposed as determined by the university. Additionally, withdrawing from courses must be done no later than the first fifteen weeks of an academic term or the first five weeks of a summer session and at least three working days prior to the examination date of those courses.

Adding and dropping from courses must be approved by Academic Advisor. Withdrawing from courses must be approved by the Dean with the approval from Academic Advisor and Course Instructor.

Minimum Credit
Students wishing to drop or withdraw from courses must remain registered for not less than one other course in an academic term.

Course Re-registration

Course re-registration must comply with the following stipulations:

  1. Students who have received a grade of F, U, or W in a compulsory course must reregister for the course until they receive a grade of A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, or S, otherwise will be unable to graduate.
  2. Students who receive a grade of F, U, or W in an elective course may register for another course instead.
  3. In cases other than 1. and 2. above, students may re-register for any course that is referred to as “Relearning”.
  4. Any grade points earned from relearning course registration will appear on the student’s academic transcript.

Sick Leave

Sick leave is categorized into two types:

  1. Sick leave before examination means that if a student falls ill before the end of a semester or summer session and is still sick on the examination date, they may be unable to attend some or all the examinations.
  2. Sick leave during examination means that if a student studies the whole semester or summer session, but is unable to attend some or all the examinations.

The student must submit the request to the Dean within one week from the first date of illness, along with a medical certificate from the Chulalongkorn University Health Service Center, the Office of Student Affairs, a government medical service, or a private medical service certified by the Ministry of Public Health.

Leave of Absence

Within the last day of classes in a semester as designated in the academic calendar, and before examination or evaluation of any courses that the student has registered for, the student may send a request to the Dean for leave of absence in the following cases:

  1. Being conscripted or mobilized for military service.
  2. Receive international student exchange scholarships or other scholarships that are directly beneficial to students’ undergraduate studies.
  3. Sickness requiring hospitalization for medical treatment for over 3 weeks.
  4. Sickness requiring rest for over three weeks as ordered by a doctor.
  5. Personal leave of absence may be granted with the approval of the Faculty Administrative Board. Any leave of study taken under conditions 3. and 4. must be accompanied by a medical certificate from the Chulalongkorn University Health Service Center, the Office of Student Affairs, a government medical service, or a private medical service certified by the Ministry of Public Health.

If a force majeure event necessitates a leave of absence that does not fall under any of the reasons shown above, students must submit a request to the Dean for consideration without delay. The Faculty Administrative Board will then review and approve the request based on the criteria set forth in the university announcement.

A leave of absence under the conditions described above may be approved for no longer than 2 semesters each time.

If students are granted a leave of absence from their studies, the duration of the leave shall be included in their study period, unless the leave is due to conscription or mobilization for military service, or other reasons specified by the university.

Maintain Student Status Fee
During a leave of study, students must pay to maintain their student status every semester as announced by the university, unless they have already paid the tuition fee for that semester. Failure to do so will result in the termination of their student status.

Upon receiving approval for study leave, the student must request that the registrar’s office notify the relevant department so that they will not be required to use services provided by the university or faculty, except for those related to student health.

Student Status
Upon returning to study after a leave of absence, students will have the same student status as they did prior to receiving approval for the leave of study.

Academic Suspension

The academic suspension for students, as regulated by other university policies, shall begin from the subsequent semester after the semester in which the offense was committed. The suspension period shall be continuous and shall be counted towards the student’s study period.

Students whose studies have been suspended must pay a fee to maintain their student status, but they will not be able to use the university’s services except for student health services.

In the event that a student commits an offense in the semester during which they are studying as part of their curriculum and is suspended from the study, the Faculty Administrative Board of the student’s faculty is not permitted to nominate the student for approval of a degree or diploma by the University Council until the suspension period has ended.

Maintain Student Status Fee
Students whose studies have been suspended must pay to maintain their student status every semester as announced by the University. Otherwise, the student status must be terminated.

Termination and Reinstatement of Student Status

Students shall be terminated from their student status in the following cases:

  1. After completing the course and receiving a degree.
  2. When a student resigns unless the student has completely paid off the debt with the Faculty or University.
  3. Students who have not registered by the end of the first two weeks of the semester, or who fail to maintain their student status by not paying tuition fees or late registration fees (if any).
  4. When a student’s academic status is being evaluated and they have a GPAX (cumulative GPA) of less than 1.50.
  5. When a student is classified as a probationary student and has a GPAX lower than 1.80 for two consecutive semesters.
  6. When a student remains on probationary status for four consecutive semesters without ending their probationary status.
  7. At the end of the study period, if the student has not earned enough credits for the curriculum requirements or if the GPAX is below 2.00, the student’s status will be terminated.
  8. When the Dean orders termination of student status due to misconduct related to education.
  9. When violating regulations or other rules of the university and the university has ordered the termination of student status.
  10. Dead.

A student whose student status has been terminated due to not registering by the end of the first two weeks of the semester or failing to maintain their student status by not paying tuition fees or late registration fees (if any) may request reinstatement of their student status within the semester in which it was terminated, subject to approval by the Faculty Administrative Board and the President.

Degree Obtaining

Students eligible for a degree must have all the following qualifications:

  1. Be a student in the last semester who has completed the course registration.
  2. A four-year program student cannot graduate before 6 regular semesters. Students in the five-year program cannot graduate before 8 regular semesters, and six-year students cannot graduate before 10 regular semesters.

Qualifications of students eligible for diplomas are in accordance with Chulalongkorn University’s regulations on that matter.

Students who meet all the qualifications as shown above must submit a request for a degree or diploma according to the announcement of the Office of the Registrar. Failure to do so will result in a fine as announced by the university and the student may not be considered for nomination to the University Council for approval of a degree in that semester.

Degree Awarding

The Faculty Administrative Board shall consider nominating students who possess complete qualifications and have good behavior for a degree. The nomination will then be submitted to the University Council for approval after the student has earned the required number of credits for their program and achieved a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.00.

Receiving an honors degree is in accordance with the regulation of Chulalongkorn University on that matter.

Those who have been approved by the Faculty Administrative Board to graduate by the final day of the academic year specified by the university, and have received approval from the University Council for graduation, have the right to receive a diploma in that academic year, except for students who have outstanding tuition fees or other fees and expenses.

Honors Degree Awarding

Second-class Honors
Students who are eligible for second-class honors degrees must pass the examination with the number of credits required for the course, and have received a cumulative grade point average (GPAX) of 3.25 or higher, with no course having an ‘F’ or ‘U’.

First-class Honors
Students who are eligible for first-class honors degrees must pass the examination with the number of credits required for the course, and have received a cumulative grade point average (GPAX) of 3.60 or higher, with no course having an ‘F’ or ‘U’.

Medal Awarding

Students who have the right to receive medals must have the following qualifications:

  1. Received a first class honors degree; and
  2. Get the highest cumulative point average among graduates of the program in the same academic year;
  3. No subjects requesting exemptions.

The consideration for awarding medals is typically done at the end of each academic year.