Second Semester 2024
Announcement of Changes in General Education (GenEd) Courses
This announcement is effective from the Second Semester, Academic Year 2024.
1. Modification of General Education Courses
Effective for students with the ID 66XXXXXXXX onwards!
Students are required to complete a total of 12 credits of GenEd courses by selecting courses from any category based on their interests.
The previous compulsory requirement to take specific courses from each category, including Science and Mathematics, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary, has been eliminated.
2. Grading System Adjustment
Effective for students with the ID 66XXXXXXXX onwards!
GenEd courses will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis using the S/U grading system. Student evaluation will consider their participation, activities, examinations, assignments, and other relevant factors. The Office of the Registrar will facilitate the conversion of grades according to the new grading system.
3. Enrollment in GenEd Courses under Student Own’s Faculty
Effective for all students!
Students are allowed to enroll in GenEd courses offered by their affiliated faculty (23XXXXX) in order to have the freedom to choose subjects they are interested in. However, this must be done in accordance with the requirements set by their faculty and/or obtaining necessary approval from their academic advisors.
General Education Course
Gr | Code | Course Name | Sec | Host | Time | Study Place |
SM | 0201287 | MAP APPLN | 71 | ISE | 09.00–12.00 | ENG3 304 |
SM | 2107220 | ENV DAILY LIFE | 71 | ISE | 13.00-16.00 | ENG1 301 |
SM | 2140140 | NANO101 | 71 | INDA | 09.00-12.00 | ENG3 321 |
SM | 2140145 | HOME IMPROVEMENT | 71 | BAScii | 09.00–12.00 | CHALE 301 |
SM | 2142109 | AUTO STUDIES | 71 | ISE | 09.00-12.00 | ENG3 309 |
SM | 2305109 | PL GROW TECH | 81 | commarts | 09.00–12.00 | PINIT 1205 |
SM | 2305151 | ORGANIC GARDENING | 81 | BALAC | 13.00–16.00 | MCS 401/18 |
SM | 2308303 | HISTORY OF SCI | 72 | INDA | 13.00–16.00 | ARCH1 314 |
SM | 2313213 | DIGITAL PHOTO | 71 | commarts | 13.00–16.00 | PINIT 1005 |
SM | 2314255 | ELEMENT FOOD TECH | 71 | BALAC | 09.00–12.00 | MCS 303 |
SM | 3900200 | EXE/SP HLTH | 71 | ISE | 09.00–12.00 | CUP7 1111 |
SM | 2309203 | UNDER THE SEA | 71 | ChPE | 09.00-12.00 | CUP7 1111 |
SM | 2309203 | UNDER THE SEA | 72 | EBA | 13.00-16.00 | MAHIT 408 |
SS | 0201171 | EFFECT CAREER MGT | 71 | BALAC | 09.00–12.00 | MCS 501/25 |
SS | 0201172 | SELF/CAREER MGT | 71 | ISE | 13.00–16.00 | ENG3 305 |
SS | 0294456 | DESIGNING LIFE | 71 | BAScii | 13.00–16.00 | CHALE 302 |
SS | 2403185 | JUV DEL | 71 | JIPP | 13.00–16.00 | POL3 508 |
SS | 2403185 | JUV DEL | 72 | BALAC | 09.00–12.00 | MCS 401/18 |
SS | 2541160 | CREAT URB LIVING | 71 | EBA | 09.00-12.00 | MAHIT 408 |
SS | 2800212 | HUMAN COMM | 91 | BSAC | 13.00–16.00 | MHMK 1018 |
SS | 2800314 | ART PUB SPKG | 91 | ISE | 13.00–16.00 | ENG3 320 |
SS | 3404117 | INTRO TO LAW | 71 | EBA | 09.00–12.00 | MAHIT 610 |
SS | 4000208 | INTRO ARG ECON | 71 | INDA | 09.00–12.00 | ARCH3 402 |
SS | 4000208 | INTRO ARG ECON | 72 | commarts | 13.00–16.00 | PINIT 1209 |
HM | 0201212 | SP ETHICS | 71 | ISE | 09.00–12.00 | ENG3 420 |
HM | 0296113 | BSC TH COMM | 71 | BSAC | 09.00-12.00 | MHMK 1018 |
HM | 2234482 | INTRO ITAL CINEMA | 71 | ChPE | 09.00–12.00 | ENG3 319 |
HM | 2236103 | RUS LANG CULT | 1 | BSAC | 13.00–16.00 | MHMK 306 |
HM | 2541154 | COLOR AESTHETICS | 71 | INDA | 09.00-12.00 | ARCH3 401 |
HM | 2541155 | VIS CULT | 71 | INDA | 13.00-16.00 | ARCH3 502 |
HM | 2541156 | ARCH ENV FILM | 71 | BAScii | 09.00-12.00 | MCS 401/5-7 |
HM | 2541162 | POSTMOD PHOTO | 71 | CommDe | 09.00–12.00 | VOD 3501 |
HM | 2541168 | DSGN ASIAN PERSP | 71 | PGS | 13.00-16.00 | POL3 710/1 |
HM | 2541169 | HIST ANIMATION | 71 | BALAC | 09.00–12.00 | MCS 401/5 |
HM | 2541169 | HIST ANIMATION | 72 | ISE | 13.00–16.00 | Online: Meeting ID: 970 5846 0505 Password: HISTANIM |
HM | 2541171 | CR ECON DSGN | 71 | LLBel | 13.00–16.00 | PINIT 1205 |
HM | 2541176 | JP DSGN CON | 71 | LLBel | 09.00–12.00 | PINIT 1205 |
HM | 3503101 | CL MUS SCRN | 71 | INDA | 13.00–16.00 | ARCH1 314 |
HM | 3503111 | INTRO CLASSIC MUS | 71 | BALAC | 09.00–12.00 | MCS 501/9 |
ID | 0201107 | LRN STUD ACT | 71 | EBA | 13.00–16.00 | MAHIT 407 |
ID | 0201125 | MGT DIFF CULT | 71 | EBA | 13.00–16.00 | MAHIT 208 |
ID | 0201127 | QUAL WORK MGT | 71 | ISE | 13.00–16.00 | EN100 502 |
ID | 0201151 | OUR ENVIRONMENT | 71 | BALAC | 09.00–12.00 | MCS 401/18 |
ID | 0201232 | MULTI STUD RUR DEV | 71 | INDA | 13.00–16.00 | ARCH3 401 |
ID | 0201234 | LOCAL GLOB ISS | 71 | PGS | 09.00–12.00 | POL3 607 |
ID | 0201251 | P2 CONTROL | 71 | EBA | 09.00–12.00 | ECON 410 |
ID | 0295102 | AGRO WASTES MONEY | 71 | JIPP | 09.00-12.00 | MAHIT 501 |
ID | 0295117 | CLI DISAS RESIL | 71 | BBTECH | 13.00–16.00 | TAB 221 |
ID | 0295106 | WELL LIFE EXT | 71 | ISE | 09.00–12.00 | ENG3 407 |
ID | 0295110 | WINE EDUCATION | 71 | ISE | 09.00-12.00 | EN100 505 |
ID | 0295110 | WINE EDUCATION | 72 | ISE | 13.00-16.00 | MHMK 704 |
ID | 0295110 | WINE EDUCATION | 73 | BBTech | TUE 13.00-16.00 | TAB 220 |
ID | 3914101 | REC QUAL LIFE DEV | 71 | BALAC | 13.00–16.00 | MCS 401/5 |
SM = Science – Mathematic
SS = Social Science
HM = Humanities
ID = Interdisciplinary