Course Number 2312517
Course Credits3 (3-0-6)
Course AbbrviationMED MICRO BIOTECH
Course Title (TH)เทคโนโลยีชีวภาพจุลชีววิทยาทางการแพทย์
Responsible UnitFaculty of Science
Type of CourseInternational Course
SemesterIntl 2nd semester
Academic Year2024
Course Coordinator
Measurement Method
Type of CourseSemester Course
Course ConditionNone
Course Status
Instructors / staffs
Enrollment conditionsNone
Degree levelBachelor
Related curricularBachelor of Science in Biotechnology (2562)
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (2567)
Course description (TH)จุลชีววิทยาทางการแพทย์ รวมถึงชีววิทยาของเชื้อก่อโรคและการตอบสนองทางภูมิคุ้มกันต่อการติดเชื้อ การประยุกต์ใช้เทคโนโลยีชีวภาพที่เกี่ยวข้องกับจุลชีววิทยาทางการแพทย์หลักการของเทคโนโลยีชีวภาพสมัยใหม่ร่วมกับความรู้ทาง ภูมิคุ้มกันวิทยาเพื่อใช้ทางการแพทย์ รวมถึงการดัดแปลงแอนติบอดี ภูมิคุ้มกันบําบัด ยีนบําบัด วัคซีนและการแพทย์เชิงฟื้นฟู
Course description (EN)Medical microbiology including biology of pathogens and host immune response to pathogen infections; Biotechnological applications related to medical microbial technology; Principles of modern biotechnology together with immunological knowledge for medical application including antibody engineering, immunotherapy, gene therapy, vaccine and regenerative medicine.
Curriculum mappingCU-1.1: Behavioral Objectives Possessing well-rounded knowledge
CU-1.2: Possessing in-depth knowledge
CU-2.1: Being moral and ethical
CU-2.2: Having an awareness of etiquette
CU-3.1: Being able to think critically
CU-3.2: Being able to think creatively
CU-3.3: Having skills in problem solving
CU-4.1: Having professional skills
CU-4.2: Having communication skills
CU-4.3: Having skills in information technology
CU-4.4: Having mathematical and statistical skills
CU-4.5: Having management skills
CU-5.1: Having an inquiring mind
CU-5.2: Knowing how to learn
CU-5.3: Having leadership qualities
CU-5.4: Maintaining well-being
CU-5.5: Being community-minded and possessing social responsibility
CU-5.6: Sustaining Thainess in a globalized world
subPLO1.1 Explain biotechnology knowledge in practice.
/subPLO1.2 Analyze biotechnology knowledge in practice.
subPLO1.3 Apply biotechnology knowledge in practice.
PLO2 Employ biotechnology-related technology and scientific tools.
PLO3 Communicate effectively in English within the Biotechnology field
PLO4 Demonstrate behavior that aligns with ethical principles, moral values, and professional ethics.
PLO5 Demonstrate social responsibility, courage, and creativity.
Course learning outcome (CLO)1.
#DateTimeLearning contentInstructorCLORemark
1Introduction, Rules and Assigments
2A history of medical biotechnology, Basic Immunology and immune biotecnology, immunotherapy, regenarative midicine vaccine, fuilure of host defense machanism immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, infection
3A history of medical biotechnology, Basic Immunology and immune biotecnology, immunotherapy, regenarative midicine vaccine, fuilure of host defense machanism immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, infection
4Immunol Biotech Business (group presentation)
5Bacteria in medical biotechnology and medical bacteria diagnosis - Antibiotics and resistance mechanisms - Case studies
6Bacteria in medical biotechnology and medical bacteria diagnosis - Antibiotics and resistance mechanisms - Case studies
7Bacteria in medical biotechnology and medical bacteria diagnosis - Antibiotics and resistance mechanisms - Case studies
8Basic biology of fungal pathogens - Host immune response to fungal infections fungi / yeasts in medical biotechnolgy and case studies
9Basic biology of fungal pathogens - Host immune response to fungal infections fungi / yeasts in medical biotechnolgy and case studies
10Basic biology of fungal pathogens - Host immune response to fungal infections fungi / yeasts in medical biotechnolgy and case studies
11Basic biology of Viruses host immune response to viral infections viruses in medical biotechnology case studies
12Basic biology of Viruses host immune response to viral infections viruses in medical biotechnology case studies
13Basic biology of Viruses host immune response to viral infections viruses in medical biotechnology case studies
14Group presentation
Teaching/learning mediawhiteboard, powerpoint media, electronic media and websites
Communication channels / LMS
TypeChannel identifier / URLRemarks
Learning Management System (LMS)Email, Line , MS Team, MyCourseVille
Assessment methodLevel of assessmentRelated CLOPercentage
Mid-term examination35 %
Final examination35 %
Group Presentation20 %
Sit-in and Attention10 %
GradingGrading SystemLetter Grad (A-F)
Grading methodCriterion-referenced Grading (อิงเกณฑ์)
Minimum Passing Level (MPL)50
Reading list
Course evaluationCourse evaluation systemmyCourseVille
Details of improvement from previous evaluation
Course quality controlResponses to complaints / petitions from studentsDirectly to the instructor